viernes, 19 de abril de 2013


Desde que empecé con mi antiguo blog, hace algo más de un año, siempre he estado desarrollando proyectos caseros con Arduino. Proyectos que nunca he publicado ya que nada tenían que ver con el contenido del blog, pero siempre me ha rondado por la cabeza la idea de que vieran la luz. Por eso hoy empiezo un nuevo blog con la idea de dar a conocer todo aquel material que anda disperso entre hojas de papel y discos duros. Así como todo el material que aún está por desarrollar.

First of all, sorry for my bad english. I'll try to explain my projects in english too because I think it's important for the visitors to read some text that isn't translated by robots (Though I help myself with Google Translate). So if you find any kind of grammar or syntax error, please, feel free to let me know, I'll be happy to learn.

Since I started with my old blog, a little more than a year ago, I have always been developing some homespun projects with Arduino. Projects that I've never posted and that had nothing to do with the content of the blog, I've always been thinking about the idea that they should be released. So today I start a new blog with the idea to give out all the material that is scattered between paper and hard drives. Just as all the material that is yet to develop.

Let's go!

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